Motion Graphics – Embold
Our team created the video for the Embold company in the motion graphics style. With its component-level issue flagging, the Embold static code analysis platform tells you exactly where to start fixing. Learn best practices with detailed issue visualizations and uncover anti-patterns in your code. All this integrated directly into a workflow.
The purpose
The Embold company asked our team to help them create the explainer video for their clients. The video should be minimalistic and informative. The audience needs to understand the working process and advantages of the platform easily.
The solution
Inovit team brainstormed to make the video in motion graphics. This animation style is very suitable for the description of the platform's working process. Embold explained to us their new platform in detail so we could create the video understandable for the potential clients. The video contains сorporate colors of the company to make the audience fully engaged with the product.
Inovit is ready to live your creative ideas about your company, product, and platform.