Video Series

Build your brand with multiple videos.

Video Series - Build your brand with multiple videos

Description of a video series and why they are used:

A company video series is a set of descriptive videos addressing a shared theme or topic. For the most part, they are usually a few videos in a series. They are produced to appeal to both potential and existing customers.
A company video series gives you an opportunity to do more than market a service or product. They provide a platform to engage with a larger audience, giving people a more vivid idea of complicated subjects inside your field. Such videos stimulate these people into interacting with your business. To put it another way, a video series is a priceless tool to establish your brand.

How and when should a video series be used?

Usually, a video series is the last thing to be produced. Sales/explainer videos, tutorials, and testimonials tend to be created first.
It is crucial to unveil your company video series on high traffic channels, digital or otherwise. In doing so, the series will be seen regularly by large audiences.
Publish your series on social networks when an important company initiative is taking place to show your audience the value of whatever you’re trying to promote. For instance, publish a video series on how to correctly do your taxes well before a deadline. Also, consider publishing videos on another website or on your blog to optimize your reach. We encourage clients to post their company video series on YouTube - in doing so, the narrative is kept intact. YouTube lets you organize your content into individual playlists so one can play after another in sequence.

How and when should a video series be used?

Creating an Impactful Series of Business Videos

Over the last five years or so, we have witnessed the evolution of videos made for businesses. This is hardly a surprise when you take into consideration how many industries have also evolved in that same time span. That is why our capabilities have been expanded to include different types of explainer videos.


In our continuing endeavors to establish stronger relationships with clients, much of 2019 was spent being the best video partner we can be. Our company helps clients achieve whatever their business goals are using animated videos.


This is something we have done through multiple projects and long-term relationships. However, as of late, we have been fortunate enough to develop many exciting videos that are part of a series. We have worked on many videos that share the same visual style, goal, and title (mind you, episode titles are different for each one).


Our Series of Business Videos Accommodate Marketing Trends

Videos are making waves throughout every platform on the internet. That includes search engines, websites, social networks, and online publications, all of which have pivoted to video content. Keep in mind that businesses are regularly seeking out methods of retaining audience engagement over the long run, and a handful of videos here and there are no longer sufficient.


Do you intend to release new videos consistently? Ensure that you establish expectations with whoever your target market is sooner rather than later. This may entail informing customers that a video will be released every week, or when staff can expect to receive updates via video. Putting together and adhering to a schedule is crucial.


Whether people follow your company on Instagram, are a subscriber of your channel on YouTube, are on a distribution list you have, or engage in educational programs online, creating a fan base consistently has never been simpler.


Making a series of business videos is easier said than done, though. Creating a series warrants a different process than making a single video. Scale needs to be considered, and a plan needs to be rolled out in order to release each video. You must come up with ways to retain the engagement of viewers throughout the whole series.


In 2019, our company produced eight different video series. We are adept at finding solutions to challenges that come with each project. When we create a series of business videos, these are the best practices we use:


“Video Concepts Should Be Scalable, but Flexible”


When we craft a high-level idea or framework for a series of business videos, there are a couple of things we are mindful of. For starters, the concepts must be scalable so that they fall within budget. For instance, it is feasible to have a stop-motion video series made, but the visual approach to making one would be labor-intensive. This could result in roadblocks if you’re attempting to develop eight individual episodes as part of a series of business videos.


The other aspect transpires when the concept stage is taking place – binge-watching. What if a person decides to view the whole video series at once? Will each episode come across as identical to the others? Will the videos be engaging and entertaining enough for more than a minute or two? By utilizing different techniques for voiceovers, one-of-a-kind introductions, or using a different angle, there are ways of making each episode feel different. Minor tweaks make a big impact.


Whether you are a marketer thinking about developing a video series on YouTube, or some type of creator interested in having multiple videos produced, we think that the best practices we use will be quite useful for you.


Each series of business videos, which our company produced, helped us become more familiar with our clients, allowing us to think outside the box, as far as video production went.


If you are interested in having your own video series made, contact us for more information.

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