Motion Graphics – E & J Gallo Winery
Our dear fellows, today Inovit wants to share with you the new educational video. This video is a specialty created for E & J Gallo Winery. This client owns a winery and tasting rooms. E & J Gallo Winery's newly restored winery features an array of world-class tasting flights and culinary experiences, reflecting an enduring commitment. Thus, the winery members can order preferable wine bands online with shipment services.
The purpose
E & J Gallo Winery owns 8 tasting room properties, each having a unique brand and all moved onto a common platform for more convenience. Based on this information, the Inovit client requests to make tutorial videos about the platform using each of the 5 unique wine brands. The videos should educate the winery clients faster about a new digital system.
The solution
The tutorial videos of 5 wine brands are visualized in a screencast style with step-by-step actions on how to use the platform. The video presents the benefits of a new solution. The E & J Gallo Winery clients can have a self-service via the platform. That is an important action to reduce calling and emailing to the winery. The tutorial videos focus on the audience that is searching for simplicity and teach them how to make orders by themselves.
The Inovit team loves this video project and hopes that it will be one of your favorites too.
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