The Best User Guide To A Rush Video Project
- How long does it take to produce a rush video project
- Quick Responses
- On-Time Project Completion
- Quick Creativity
- Have Faith In Your Team Members
- In Conclusion
How long does it take to produce a rush video project?
Video project usually takes around 4-6 weeks to complete, once there is no feedback and revisions required. Pre-production usually takes around two weeks and this includes discovery, concept pitch, script, storyboards, and style frames. Production takes about 2 to 3 weeks and this includes voiceover recording, asset creation, and animation. Post-production is usually 2 to 4 days and consists of music and sound design. A rush video project compresses a lot of work in a short timeline. Therefore, if you want to avoid missing your deadline, you should follow the tips below.
Start On The Right Foot
The rushed projects we worked on that were the most successful always began on the right foot. The message was clear, creativity was high and there was minimal stress. The starting point was the video project kickoff call. This was followed by the script in phase. The momentum built quickly if we were able to go from kickoff to getting the script approved in under a week. The teams are on the same page and trust is built in from the beginning. This carries out throughout the production process of the video.
Quick Responses
Clients are requested to give responses within 24 hours and although everyone agrees to this at the beginning of the project, it is more challenging to stick with as the project goes along. Things get in the way like other projects, team members on vacation, sick children, loss of power, picky bosses, etc. Responses are delayed in several ways, however, the rush clients that get the best results are the ones that provide us with quick feedback and go that extra mile.
Having a number two person in charge is the best way to get a quick response. This person must have a good overall scope of the project and can be trusted to get things done. Therefore, if you are out of the office for whatever reason, there’s a trusted person to continue the project. Someone also needs to have veto power or who can have the final say on a decision. The project should not come to a screeching halt every time a decision needs to go up the chain of command.
On-Time Project Completion
INOVIT also plays a role during the rush video project and we have our own set of commitments and responsibilities. We have to inform our clients of when certain parts of the project are to be delivered, down to the specific time of day. We have to ensure that we stick to those deadlines.
We use the Trello project management tool to keep our projects on schedule. Trello has the ability to track conversations, see which team member is working on what task and access to essential project files. If you want to know exactly what’s going on in the project, this is a great resource.
To produce great video projects, we have to be disciplined and great at managing projects. These skills are essential when you’re working on a short deadline and you have to stay on top of what’s going on in the project. This also minimizes the stress on the INOVIT team. Having good project management skills is important for both the client and our internal team because we know exactly where we are and what we have to do in the creative process.
Quick Creativity
If the animating, scripting, etc. is experiencing major delays, good project management are useless since there will be nothing to show the client. Creatives have to stay on top of their schedules and make sure there are no conflicts from the expected feedback until the next milestone. You might not want to add new projects to your schedule when the project is at its busiest. There will be flexible moments throughout the project, but this produces an even more polished video.
Due to the tight deadline, the animator or designer might have to be more streamlined with their creative strategy. To complete the project, they might have to go with a design that is simpler and flatter. Once they are aware of this at the beginning of the project, it is easier to keep the momentum going. Quality isn’t being sacrificed for speed; we might want to go for a two-dimensional appearance or a storyline with fewer characters.
Have Faith In Your Team Members
Don’t get stuck on the color scheme of every image. There was a reason the designer picked the color scheme. The animator’s job is to create the motion. The client’s job is to focus on the message being conveyed for their brand. Individuals outside of your team shouldn’t have any input. Be flexible in your thoughts and don’t over think everything. Let your creativity flow and have fun with it.
Your team has to be able to take constructive criticism and move on quickly in a fast-moving environment. The criticism should always be constructive and never be a personal attack on another team member otherwise it could compromise the trust of the team. You bought the video production on board because of their skill and experience, so you have to let them do their job. Their job is to tell the story of your business, to inform customers and to build your brand.
In Conclusion
There are times when you will need a quick turnaround time for a high-quality video. From our experience, you might need to increase your budget and have more cash available. We will be putting aside other projects to fully focus on yours, so it has to be worth our while. We want to break the stereotype of the “starving artist”. Now you know what is needed to produce a video with a tight schedule. Get going. Tick tock!
Do you have more to share on the management of rush projects? Share your stories with us. We love hearing from you.
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