Animated marketing video – Innovative data platform
About the project:
This 2d animated video was created for Condé Nast to represent their new incredible app “Spire”.
Condé Nast is a global media powerhouse; in the U.S. alone Condé Nast reaches 1 out of 2 Adults - attracting more than 120 million consumers across its digital and print properties monthly.
We put a lot of efforts to make this video look this colorful and we are sure that it will catch everybody’s attention.
Due to bright colors, consistent animation and legible voice over this video will attract more viewers.
We also had a task to combine 2d animation and live videos to make it more entertaining.
More examples:
Explainer video - E-commerce marketplace
Length: 120 seconds
Industry: Marketing & Advertising
Explainer Video - Financial Planning
Length: 120 seconds
Industry: Marketing & Advertising
Explainer video animated - Interactive digital out-of-home advertising
Length: 120 seconds
Industry: Marketing & Advertising