2D Motion Graphics – Datascribe
About the project:
Our next video was created for Datascribe.
This global legal support services company is one of the leading alternative legal services providers in the industry, delivering legal, shared and advisory services from secure centers in Bangalore, India, to top law firms and corporations in the US and Canada. If you or your company needs stable and professional legal support, then Datascribe will become your reliable assistant.
Creating this video, we decided not to get attached to the characters, terrain, etc. The entire video is built in a presentation format. Our main task was to show the advantages of cooperation with the company. Graphics, icons and unhurried animation clearly convey all this. Music and voiceover are also selected to don`t disturb the viewer from perceiving information. As a result, we got a rather short in time, but capacious in meaning, video.
What do you say about this? Do you like videos with stories and characters, or with facts and statistics?