Whiteboard animation. What is it and for what.
Whiteboard animation is quite simple and fancy animation style. According to the name, it is easy to guess that it is a recreation of the drawing process on the board. That is voiceover tells us about principles of work of something, and on the screen, we see sketches, that show it.
Why animation at all?
Over the past few years, the video marketing niche has developed rapidly. Now it’s hard to find a company or product page, where there are no videos, explainers, animations. This is not surprising, it’s much easier for a user, it’s more interesting to watch a video about a product than to read canvases of text and understand some kind of infographic at the same time. According to statistics, video marketing pays off faster than other methods of promotion. About the principles of the explainers and their benefits, we wrote an entire article that you can read on our blog. Based on this, it is worth thinking about introducing animation into your business.
Okay, and why whiteboard animation?
We figured out a bit about video marketing with you and now it’s worth considering how to implement this tool and what style of video will suit your product best. We recommend whiteboard animation. Such videos can be called universal. They will fit perfectly into the landing page, a section on the site, blog or profile header on Facebook. All thanks to its concise and universal style. In addition, such explainers help to focus the viewer’s attention. This means that the user will receive and understand your message. In a whiteboard animation statistics, graphics, and sketches of characters, terrain, and other elements that complement the picture will look great.
We recommend to start with this style of animation, because it will be easiest to integrate into your marketing strategy. This genre is not as expensive as the rest, but at the same time it is not inferior in a visual and semantic context.
The basis of a good whiteboard animation is a concept. If you do not have any thoughts about this, it does not matter. Our team consists of professional screenwriters. They will take into account all your ideas, wishes and help to create a scenario that best describes to the viewer the benefits of your company.
How much it costs?
The cost of creating a whiteboard style video depends on many factors. for example. For example, it is very important to know the footage of the video, the style of the characters, the speed of the graphics. In Inovit, we will consult you about all stages of creating a video and its price.
How long does it take to create whiteboard animation?
To create any animation clip, the algorithm of work is approximately the same. It is scripting, sketching, the process of creating animation, voice acting for the video. On average, it takes a month to create one video. If you still have a clear vision of the video, the process can be significantly accelerated and the video will be ready sooner.
At the heart of any video, including the whiteboard, is the thought that you want to put into the head of the buyer with this video. Understanding what useful action a movie should perform, you can get the maximum benefit and develop your business in the right direction.
If you have already set a goal for yourself – contact us and together we will create a cool whiteboard animation.